Hello Charles, Christos and all!
I've spent all the time I could, in order to get documented about what you need. Anyway, I am completely new about groff formatting directives for manpages, GitHub (never used it) and patches. Maybe I would flood you with questions, before doing anything.
So, I prefer this time to follow your work (https://github.com/ycui1984/posixtestsuite) and trying to learn from it, now that I know what you are going to do. Then, when I feel able to help, I will write you again for another task.
This is the drawback of being an enthusiast, but also a newbie.
Thanks anyway!!!
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2016 at 7:38 PM
From: "Charles Cui" <***@gmail.com>
To: "Christos Zoulas" <***@zoulas.com>
Cc: "Rocky Hotas" <***@post.com>, "tech-userlevelnetbsd.org" <tech-***@netbsd.org>
Subject: Re: sched_protect(2)
Hi Rocky,
As Christos mentioned, you can help to improve the man pages here.
If you want to take it, please add the information that Christos wants in the
current page and also makes man sched_protect works.
After you complete it, you can either send the pull request on our github,
https://github.com/ycui1984/posixtestsuite in patches/prioprotect folder,
or post the patch in the mail list, so that we can send you feedbacks.
Let me know if you want to do it, and I will focus on problems in real time signals.
Thanks Charles.
2016-08-01 9:55 GMT-07:00 Christos Zoulas <***@zoulas.com[***@zoulas.com]>:On Aug 1, 4:28pm, ***@post.com[***@post.com] ("Rocky Hotas") wrote:
-- Subject: Re: sched_protect(2)
| I am just an enthusiast and not a developer; I used pthreads some
| months ago and noticed that sched_protect is already mentioned in
| sched(3). Is there something that I can do to help you writing or
| reviewing the man page, or is this kind of work better fitted for
| the developers' team?
Hi, Rocky,
Anyone can help. As you correctly pointed out, there is a summary
in sched.3, but we need to mention that -1 restores the original
priority (popping a level) and make sure that there is also a link
to it, so 'man sched_protect' works. Please coordinate here with Charles
on who is doing what, so that we don't do things twice.
| Bye :),